Cloud Prettacy: 1.4

AN: Forgot to mention! If you read the last chapter and missed the pictures I just wanted to let you know that I fixed them! SO, go back and check them out (even though they’re mostly babies, lol.)


Following Loki’s birthday, Ulrike agreed to stay in the mansion until Nancy’s twins grew up. They turned out pretty cute for little blue babies.


If they could stay that level of cuteness it would be a blessing. However, I can see the future and if Draco is anything to compare to we are not out of the clear yet…

Big half-brother Malcom decided to visit his mom in Windenburg all the way from Oasis Springs and meet his new siblings.

malcom and thor

He didn’t seem shocked (no one in this town is – WHY?) and gladly accepted them as his family. (I think I’m going to have to make something up for the future since no one seems to care that this blue dude is impregnating the town…)

Next on the docket was Selena.


Followed closely after by the triplets…

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I can’t keep them straight so we’ll catch up with them all later. (They’re just girls, amirite? JUST KIDDING! You know I’m kidding, right?)

Now with all these kids in the house Cosmo sent his ladies home. He considered sending the girls back with their mothers but he had grown fond of them. It would be boring with him and the three boys.

01 14 16 11 59 23  PM

They’ve all since gotten makeovers but check out their cute little bubbles below.

cloud gen 1

L-R: Cosmo, Loki, Draco, Tia, Mia, Gia (maybe in the correct order), Selena, Melody, and Thor


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